K1 Center - K1-MET (2015 - 2019)

The Metallurgical Competence Center K1-MET aims innovate the iron- and steel making industry. The TU Wien is part of the research towards a virtual blast furnace. In recent years we developed the DualGrid Model, a raceway model to optimize the injection of alternative reducing agents (ARAs) into the blast furnace, in ANSYS Fluent. The current project aims to bring the raceway model to the open-source CFD toolbox OpenFOAM. The new, more flexible model is then re-validated and used to investigate the processes occurring during the injection of ARAs.

Gas velocity contours and pulverized coal trajectories during the injection into the raceway zone.

The validation procedure consists of multiple cases ranging from simple heat transfer problems to complex multi-phase reactive systems. Sandia Flame D is a common validation case for homogeneous gas phase combustion.

CO2 contours of the Sandia Flame D.